
The Museum

This website holds the work of the Readying The Museum (RTM) cohort.* Conducted in an effort to ready museums to begin working to undo the foundations of whiteness and white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity and other factors that shape museums today.

The narrative inside of the site reflects how the members of the cohort embarked on personal, sustained work that we believe are the first steps toward fostering equitable and accountable ecologies within museums. Through this work we developed a framework for accountability that seeks to reorient museums towards those communities within their base which includes staff, artists, arts workers and the local communities who sustain the museum and its mission. The solutions based methodology we practice and document within the sections of this web site suggests a process of personal and interpersonal reflection within learning cohorts that can deepen relationships within the museum and beyond to evolve the organization into an institution more able to address and adapt to further needs for structural and systemic change. This site hosts a set of tools that include audio and video podcasts, downloadable journals, guides and printable takeaways that address a broad spectrum of topics and offers frameworks for new working methodologies that can be applied to the museum sector.

Readying The Museum is a solutions based methodology and the cohort hopes that individuals and groups will work with the tools provided within to ready themselves for the rewarding though difficult work of undoing, relearning and forming accountability. Whether you are an artist, arts worker, staff member, curator, museum director, board member, trustee, advocate, funder, philanthropist, policy maker or local community member we hope that you will download, listen, read, share and work collectively towards an accountable institution.

This website is a living document that will reflect changes as we continue our work and onboard new perspectives.  This website represents Phase One of our work and we are currently in the midst of developing Phase Two of Readying The Museum. Please view our FAQ’s to learn more about Phase Two.