We believe that most museums have a primary responsibility to the communities they serve but do not have adequate frameworks for accountability.  The RTM cohort engaged facilitators who offered a framework for institutional accountability based on Indigenous, Black and Brown feminist theory and community organizing principles. This pyramid represents the base as shaped by those most marginalized and vulnerable and whose strength is in how they create change. RTM is working toward a vision where museums, artists, directors, staff and board, which often operate in relation to power and interests at the top of the pyramid, may realign their focus, accountability, and responsibility with those individuals, groups and communities organizing at the base, thereby inverting the pyramid and fundamentally shifting power dynamics in the field. 

In this spirit, we developed a shared set of community agreements and our Accountability Statement that 1) acts as a document that articulates our ethics and values 2) is the first document we offer to anyone with whom we would like to build right relationship 3) asks partners to hold us accountable to these values and 4) allows us to work with an organic document that is shaped by our work and our partners’ feedback.