Purpose Statement

Museum hierarchies amplify those who hold the most positional power, wealth and finances. When we take seriously, advocate with and move steadfastly towards the needs, concerns and demands of museum staff, artists, arts workers, local community members, housing advocates, prison abolitionists, and those closest to the problems of our society, we build a museum that can be a place for all communities. By highlighting the efforts of those working at the base or foundation of a community, we aim to surface for the sector the possibilities of thought turned to action and material repair. This is the work that each museum must do to make system wide change.

Over hundreds of hours our cohort read, reflected, engaged and spoke with those who are working to make systemic change in order to apply their critiques, and imagine a different way for museum and philanthropic cultures. Our purpose here is to amplify the continuous and consistent voice put forth by individuals, collectives and organizations who demand changes of the entire direction of museums and philanthropic cultures.

Everyone we spoke with shared an idea of how the museum sector could be better positioned to metabolize the ongoing ruptures that will continue to take place locally, nationally and globally.