This set of references is meant to acknowledge some of the source materials, foundational writers, texts, articles and media that have guided our process. This is not intended to be a comprehensive, exhaustive, or directed list of knowledge. Instead it is a constellation of sources that live within our processes assisting the cohort in finding the edges of understanding that shape this work.

As a part of the RTM methodology, we encourage individuals and museums to share resources such as these to help make collective sense of the work they are performing. Similar to the lexicon, the readings and resources section are meant to ground collective thought for collective action.

We gleaned the following resources from:

Texts and articles that our cohort read during in person and online working retreats.

Sources that were cited in conversations with community members, artists, arts workers and facilitators.

References suggested by writers commissioned for our online Journal.

Research cultivated in the Whiteness and Patriarchy subgroups.